Learning to Live Truly Surrendered {& Living in the Word Link-Up}
The year 2013 was a learning year for me. God really spoke to me about surrender and what that looks like, what it means, in several different situations. In fact, He used one of the most unlikely couples (at least in my mind) because we are so different in many ways, people I did not even know, to speak to me about a specific struggle I was having, and through that conversation, to bring healing, forgiveness, and freedom.
I have been a bit of a control-freak. There are many areas where that is not a problem for me. I can seem, and often am, very laid back about things. However, when it comes to certain things that I believe ‘should be’ a specific way, I have had a difficult time learning to let go.
I am so thankful that God has never left me. He truly does not forsake us in any situation, even when we cannot see Him in it. It is one of His promises!
Deuteronomy 31:6, “Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.”
I am learning that most times, when it seems that God is absent, it is really that I have taken my eyes off of Him. He is the essential piece in the puzzle of life!
That is what had happened in the situation I was describing earlier. I was so busy looking at the situation, trying to control it, that I had forgotten the initial idea had come from God.
God speaks to us! He had spoken to me. When he spoke to me, it was for me! It is not that I can’t or shouldn’t talk to others and share what I am learning. I think we should. I love to share with my friends what God is doing I my life. God is so good! But His message to me is for me. It is not for me to take and apply to other people and to try and be the Holy Spirit, bending them to my will.
So, in many ways, this has been a hard road for me. I always did have a stubborn streak and it has not served me well, sometimes, in my marriage nor in my relationship with God. God has shown me during the last 14 months what true surrender means.
Letting go. Completely. Of everything. Trusting Him.
Truly surrendering my will, forgiving myself and others, and moving forward while completely trusting God has brought such joy, and a freedom that I have never before experienced! In fact, I am still learning to let go, to hold my plans loosely, and to grasp onto His.
I encourage you, if there are issues in your relationships, in your work situations, within you, that you struggle to surrender, bring them to Him.
God is the ultimate healer. He will take your burden. He is waiting, reaching out. All you need to do is reach up.
Wendy @Striving to Follow Him
Living in the Word Link Up
Are you doing a particular bible study right now, reading a book that is growing your faith or spending time in God’s Word and you just can’t wait to share what God is doing in your heart? We’d love for you to join us and share the amazing Truths God is showing you by linking up your blog posts (or sharing your stories in the comments below, if you’re not a blogger). When we share our faith with one another, we allow God to shine through us blessing and encouraging one another to keep pressing on and leaning in to Jesus. We hope you’ll join us here each Saturday!
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“But His message to me is for me. It is not for me to take and apply to other people and to try and be the Holy Spirit, bending them to my will.” Ouch! It’s too true for me, too often.
Thank you – this was a blessing this morning!
I’m so glad! It is a hard lesson to learn, but so essential, and I am thankful that God continues to pursue me and teach me His ways. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Lisha!