Living With Life’s Interruptions

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Living With Life’s Interruptions

We all sat around the table with books spread out, pens in hand and ready to learn. Optimism twinkled in my eyes. This was going to be a productive school day!

Then the phone rang… and it all went downhill from there.

Hours later, a string of unexpected situations culminated into an exhausted and defeated me staring into the glaring white paper of my empty lesson planner.

Nothing accomplished! Schedule foiled again!

A sigh surfaced from the depths of who I am and who I long to be.

“That’s it!” I murmured. “Tomorrow, I’m setting the answering machine, I’m not answering the door and no matter what, I’m sticking to my schedule!”

I comforted myself with the new plan.

But there was a tugging on my heart…

On the surface, the plan seems like a good one, right? Eliminate the interruptions.

But think about it, interruptions are a part of life. Whether it’s a telephone, a doorbell, your wet sock that signals your sick dog has vomited for the third time on the newly shampooed carpet and you’ve stepped in it AGAIN! Or a child who innocently needs an extra bit of your time, some things just can’t be helped. And the truth is, it’s not the interruptions that are the problem. Most of the time, it’s our response to them that’s problematic.

Perhaps we focus on goals instead of needs, give priority to time slots instead of relationships or fail to recognize the valuable lessons interruptions can bring.

If you think about it, Jesus’ life was one big intrusion fest. Within those few precious years of His ministry on this earth, most of His days (and nights) were filled with, what we’d call, constant interruptions. Everywhere He went people followed always wanting, always asking, always needing Him. Yet, it is the way He responded to these “intrusions” that we learn so much about love and compassion.

These interruptions became the means of us seeing Jesus live out the lessons He taught.

Does this mean we shouldn’t schedule at all? Or that there’s no use in planning? No, we should do what we can while remembering the bigger picture.

We can’t control what takes place in the world around us but we can control our responses to these situations. We can die out to that part of us that says unchecked boxes = failure. The part of us that measures what we do to validate who we are. Instead we can cling to the One who gives us grace to handle every day and everything that comes with it (with love and compassion too!). We can recognize that every moment is a teaching moment and is truly a gift from God.


Miyoshi is a wife and mother of four children living in the beautiful countryside of Germany. In addition to homeschooling the last two chicks remaining in their nest, she is also a counselor dedicated to helping others live their best life. You can find her blogging at

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  1. Pingback: Living With Life’s Interruptions » Rocks to Rubies
  2. Wonderful reminder of the reality of life. We talked about this recently in Bible Study – that we will always be stopping to help and serve others if we are striving to be more like Jesus. And often that equals major life interruptions.

    1. Hi Louanne,

      Yes, I must remind myself of that daily: Jesus always stopped to serve. That is such a hard lesson for a task oriented person like myself! lol Thank you!


  3. Beautiful beautiful post, Miyoshi. I can completely relate with every single word you’ve written here. Homeschooling my four boys often feels like one big failure because of all the interruptions. THANK YOU for reminding me and the rest of us how important relationships are and that the interruptions ARE a part of life. It’s how we respond to them that matters. I loved what you said about Jesus’ ministry and how often he was interrupted, but responded with Grace, Truth and Love. Blessings to you!

    1. You are very welcome Megan! I remember when looking into homeschooling, it was the relationships and service to others (not the academic results) within the homeschooling families that intrigued us the most. We were so captivated by the way homeschooling could incorporate time for the important things to us like discipleship and character. Unfortunately, sometimes I forget that. But I’m so glad God knows exactly when we need to be reminded of the wonderful opportunities we have in these areas through hsing. Thank you for your comment!


  4. Thanks for this wonderful reminder! I AM people oriented and love homeschooling for all the reasons mentioned above, and I still give in to feeling like I have to get certain things accomplished each day and that if I don’t get a schedule established and kept daily, I am not successfully “schooling” my children! God has been reminding me in several different ways recently that I need to trust Him when it comes to “what I have to get done” each day and to know that if I am seeking Him daily then the things that went undone were by design. Thanks again!

    1. Hi Bonnie,

      If we are seeking Him daily, the things that went undone were by design.
      So true! I have found that some of the things I’m not able to accomplish on one day, turns out to be a hidden blessing. God’s timing is perfect! Another reminder that it all goes back to trusting and relying on Him. Thank you for posting!


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