Considering Homeschooling? Trust Your Calling

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Considering homeschooling? Trust your calling.

The other day a good friend of mine surprised me by asking if we could get together to talk about homeschooling. I wasn’t surprised that she might consider it, because I know her children have been asking her to homeschool for some time. However, I was surprised by the timing and the sense of urgency on her part to get all of her questions answered and research done right now, in the middle of January, though the school year’s end is months away.

She couldn’t put into words what she was experiencing, only that she felt like everything was suddenly falling into place — for herself, with her husband, with their family dynamics, etc. She felt driven to pursue it immediately, and with tears flowing from both anxiety and relief, she summed it up this way: “It must be God. I can’t explain it any other way.”

Just a week prior to that, another friend of mine who’s doing a fabulous job preschooling her children at home and desires to continue homeschooling them, expressed feelings of “cold feet” due to the peer pressure she’s getting from her circle of mama friends. Even though we’ve explored all the reasons she wants to pursue it, and I have no doubt that she’ll be amazing at it (a quick peek at her successful preschool blog would tell you that), she’s losing her confidence. “I need to focus on what God is leading!” she admits.

Are you considering homeschooling but doubting whether you can do it? We encourage you to trust your calling to homeschool.

We all have “gut” instincts, and most people would tell you to trust them. But what about your “God instincts,” aka His specific calling to you? Do you trust your Holy Spirit-led instincts as completely as you trust your gut?

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” — Proverbs 3:5-6

I know not everyone who chooses homeschooling feels called by God to do so. If that’s you, then yes, conducting diligent research, choosing quality curriculum, asking lots of questions, and finding local support will boost your confidence. This blog is a great place to start: We veteran homeschoolers do our best to cover all the bases and encourage you by sharing our experiences. These are important steps all parents should take to prepare and conduct their homeschooling diligently.

However, if you are considering homeschooling because you feel led by God to do so, the most important thing you can do is find your confidence in Him. Prayerfully seek His direction and discernment regarding decisions about curriculum, co-ops, and programs as you research your options. Search the scriptures for words of truth that you can stand on regarding your decision. Trust the Holy Spirit to lead you; pray for supportive mentors and friends to come into your life. Ask the Lord for His strength and wisdom when answering any detractors, because they will appear — especially if God is stretching you and your family to grow closer to Him.

“Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ;” — Philippians 1:6

I love being able to come alongside moms who are exploring homeschooling, because I was in your shoes once, too. Even though I experienced homeschooling as a child and had positive feelings about it, I also struggled with the decision to homeschool for several years. God had to work on me, too. First, I had to recognize that tug was the Holy Spirit, and then I had to trust Him completely to follow where He was leading me. I also had to stop trying to please others and convince them that God’s calling was right for our family.

“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” — Romans 12:2

If you’re feeling an undeniable tug on your heart to homeschool, trust your calling. Get your questions answered and your “ducks” in a row, but don’t forget that God will equip you with spiritual tools for the journey ahead. Find your confidence in Him, your strength in Him, and your direction in Him: He will light your path!

Are you considering homeschooling, but anxious about the long list of questions and concerns in your head or shared by others? Are you a new homeschooler who is feeling overwhelmed and full of self doubt? The good news is you’re not alone: We’ve all been there! What concerns do you struggle with about homeschooling? What would strengthen your confidence?

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  1. Thank you for this encouragement! I struggle with “defending” our decision to homeschool especially because I don’t have all the answers. It is a good reminder to trust the One with all the answers and keep following wherever He leads.

    1. So glad you were encouraged today, Kami! Proverbs 3:5-6 is a daily meditation for me, and although I think it’s great to learn about statistics and such that can support some of the arguments about homeschooling, ultimately our choice is about trusting in our Heavenly Father and following where He leads!

  2. Great post! For years, I felt the Lord calling me to homeschool. But fear and doubt (two BIG enemies) held me back. Then I began to doubt that it was Him at all. Summer 2013 I did a lot of deep soul searching and seeking His will. He confirmed “yes, step out of the boat, keep your eyes on Me and walk on water.”. So we withdrew them from public school and began our journey in August. What peace I have! It is hard, dying-to-self, work but so worth it. AND He continues in revealing I’m in His will. The years I spent running from His call were not completely wasted because I spent time researching teaching methods, curriculum,learning styles and such. But I wish I had answered Him sooner; I pray that He will cover any gaps within our children’s lives that I created by not trusting sooner.

  3. I’m considering homeschooling my daughter, have been for some time. The worst roadblock is figuring out how to go down to one income.

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