
5 Scripture Prayers When Your Child is Afraid

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In this post, we are going to share several Scripture prayers for when your child is afraid. As parents, we are commissioned by the Most High God to take care of our children’s total well-being. This especially includes their emotional and mental state. These Scripture prayers are perfect for declaring God’s truth over your children no matter how young (or old) they are.

The Importance of Addressing Fear with Children

Fear is often looked at as a concept that only adults truly understand; however, it is something that children also deal with. It seems that most childhood fears are brushed off as a “phase” or “stage” they are going through, but it shouldn’t be. For example, when a child is afraid of the dark, we simply get them a night light. In some cases, nothing is done at all, and they are told to get over it.

We believe it is important to deal with any and all types of fear children experience from a very serious stance. Why? For starters, fear is not of God, and no matter if it should be overlooked. This is why we also believe it is important to deal with the fear immediately and from a spiritual perspective to prevent doors of demonic influence and oppression from being opened.

The following Scripture prayers can be prayed over your children daily or as you see fear attempt to arise in their life. In addition to these prayers, discuss the concept of fear with your child and help them overcome it in a healthy way.

Scripture Prayers When Your Child is Afraid

5 Scripture Prayers for When Your Child is Afraid

When you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet. (Psalm 3:24 AMP)

At some point, you may find yourself dealing with children who are afraid of the dark, have trouble sleeping, or may even experience nightmares. This Scripture in Psalms is the perfect declaration that we do not have to be afraid when we lie down and that our sleep will be sweet when we do lie down.

Heavenly Father, we are so grateful for Your Word. Psalms 3:24 tells us that we do not have to be afraid when we lie down but instead that our sleep will be sweet. I pray for (child’s name) and that he/she would feel the sweetness of sleep You provide. Remove any fear around bedtime and replace it with freedom and liberty to rest. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not be terrified or dismayed (intimidated), for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:9 AMP)

Whether your child is going to school for the first time, off to summer camp, or afraid of making new friends, this Scripture passage is a reminder that they do not have to fear. On the contrary, they are told to be strong and courageous.

Dear Lord, I pray that (child’s name) will walk in the strength and courage you give because of your omnipresence. I pray that any feelings of terror or dismay be washed by the water of Your Word and that they will not be intimidated by anything in any way. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

The Lord is my light and my salvation— Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the refuge and fortress of my life— Whom shall I dread? (Psalm 27:1 AMP)

As children navigate childhood, they will encounter different experiences that could cause them to feel afraid in certain situations. This Scripture is great for praying over any circumstance your child may face that would cause them to second-guess the Lord being the Protector of their life.

Heavenly Father, Your Word says you are the light and salvation of my child’s life. I pray that (child’s name) would truly embrace this principle and live boldly because you are their refuge and fortress. I rebuke any fear and dread that would cause them to believe and act otherwise. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

I sought the Lord [on the authority of His word], and He answered me, And delivered me from all my fears. (Psalm 34:3 AMP)

If your child finds themself in a fearful situation, teach them this Scripture as a declaration and decree that they can say or pray at any time.

Lord, help (child’s name) to seek You on the authority of Your Word and know with all confidence that You will answer them. Help (child’s name) understand that You are a deliverer, especially from all fears. May (child’s name) be bold enough in their walk with you to call upon You in any time of need. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

When I am afraid, I will put my trust and faith in You. (Psalm 56:3 AMP)

It is easy for children to put their trust in things they can see rather than the Creator of heaven and earth. It’s important to teach our children that trust and faith should be put in Jesus, and all else will line up, especially in fearful situations.

Dear Lord, I pray that (child’s name) will put their trust and faith in you, especially when they are afraid. May they have the courage to call upon You in any fearful situation and believe without a doubt that You are there to comfort, console, and protect them. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

Final Thoughts

These Scripture prayers are perfect for memorizing, journaling, Bible study with your children, and prayer. Put them on note cards and hang them in your child’s room or all around the home. The more we teach our children from a biblical perspective, the more real His Word will become to them. They will grow up to be adults who lean on and depend upon God in any and all circumstances.

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