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5 Reasons to Start Your Online Ministry

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There are many reasons to start your online ministry. And while there are several ways you can go about taking this leap of faith, there is one you should seek from the beginning – clarity. If you feel called to start an online ministry, keep reading! We will discuss several reasons to help confirm your calling, along with trusted resources to help you along the way.

How to Start Your Online Ministry

5 Reasons to Start Your Online Ministry

If you have been questioning whether or not to start your online ministry, here are several reasons to consider to help make your choice.

1. God has called you to do it.

Before considering starting your online ministry, you want to first make sure that God has actually called you to do it. Truth be told, not everyone is called to start a ministry, yet they set sail and ask God to bless what He never endorsed in the first place. 

Through the leadership of the Holy Spirit, you will know if and/or when you have been called to start a ministry. Chances are you could possibly already be doing it, but haven’t yet branched out to actually launching it or starting it online. Once you have confirmation, take into consideration the remaining reasons.

2. You will reach more people.

While there is nothing that compares to in-person ministries, starting one online will give you the unique opportunity to reach more people than you can imagine. We live in a technology-advanced world where everyone has the opportunity to be connected by the push of a button or download an app.

This can be used to your online ministry’s advantage. Whether you choose to use a social media platform such as Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube – you will have the opportunity to spread your ministry throughout the world.

3. Your options for reaching people are vast.

As briefly mentioned before, there are many platforms you can use for your online ministry. There are many popular platforms; however, there are also other ways to get people engaged with your message. In addition to the top social media platforms, you can also start a blog, podcast, email community, virtual meetup via Zoom, and the like.

The majority of the options available are free to use or offer options for ministries (especially 501c3’s). Become familiar with what is available and then make the best decision based on your ministry’s financial abilities and goals.

4. Being obedient encourages others to take a leap of faith as well.

Another thing to point out about starting a ministry is to keep in mind that it’s not for or about you. A real Spirit-led ministry will always put God first and others second. Your obedience to starting your online ministry can encourage others in many ways – especially with taking their own leaps of faith.

Obedience is contagious and you never know what starting your ministry will spark in others. 

5. Starting your ministry will help spread the gospel.

In addition to being spiritually aligned, your ministry will help spread the gospel. After all, that should be among the top reasons why a ministry is started in the first place. From helping divorced women heal and find love again to coaching couples through the difficulties of marriage, the base message should always point people to Jesus.

The Time is Now

If you’ve been questioning whether or not to start your online ministry, the time is now. As time goes on, this world is growing colder and more wicked. Scripture tells us that the harvest is plenty but the workers are few. Don’t sit on your calling to help others in the way God has ordained you to do so. 

Be in constant prayer, seek any necessary counseling and guidance, and then take the leap!

Need Help Getting Clear on Your Ministry Calling?

Want some extra help on getting clear for the ministry God has called you to take online? Join my dear friend Angelica’s Get Clear Bootcamp where she’ll teach you all the strategies you need to tap into your divine anointing and calling!

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