Working from Home While Homeschooling

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Teenage Girl Holding Clock

Working from home while homeschooling your children is hard work!  I am sure I don’t have to tell you that.  You know how hard it is to get everything done.  You have to get school work done, the housework done, your work for your business done.  You have to be a mother to your children on top of being their teacher.  You also have to be a wife to your husband.  It is exhausting just writing it all down. Trust me, I get it!  I wish I could tell you that I have it all figured out and that my home sparkles.  That my arms are open wide at the door to greet my husband when he arrives from work.  That the kids have their school work completed, it is graded, and it is put away.  That, however, just is not what my life looks like, and I have a sneaking notion that yours doesn’t either.  I am working on it!!

Here are some things I am doing that you can do to help you as well…

  • Delegate – Get your family in on the action.  Assign age appropriate chores.  I tell my family all the time, “I am the mom, not the maid!”
  • Use your timer – I set my timer on my phone to help remind me when the laundry needs to be moved from washer to dryer.  I also use it to monitor my screen time and to help me stay on task.  I have found that 15 minutes is a lot longer than I thought it was, and if I am on a schedule, it really keeps me going.
  • Organize – Make lists and start with the first thing you see.  Even doing 1-2 things on the list each day will help keep you motivated and moving on to the next item on the list.
  • Go on a date – With your husband, of course!  Set some time aside each week for him.  You do not have to even leave your house.  Rent a movie and cuddle on the couch.  Spend some extra time with him in the morning before he leaves for work.  Do some research on his hobby and spend the day sharing it with him.

Like I said before, I don’t have it all figured out but these simple changes have helped my family get through the tough times when mommy is working and things just have to get done.  I would love to hear how you keep your home running while you homeschool and work from home.

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