Starting Small

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Managing Your Blessings

As a single mom my resources are very limited. In fact my small little family lives well below the poverty line. I share that fact not for sympathy but to make this point: it’s important to start small!  I used to have in my head that once I was making a certain dollar amount that I’d be able to do better about financial planning and budgeting.  I’ve had that thought in my head for about 10 years and I’m just realizing the foolishness behind it. You don’t need any more than you already have in order to be a good steward for God.

A few years ago, when my husband moved out of the house I was struggling to keep food on the table. Child support and such had not been established yet, I was a full time student (not working), and was barely getting enough money from my husband to keep the lights and water on. I made the decision to apply for food stamps. I know welfare benefits are very controversial for some people, but I did what I had to do to take care of my boys.

We still are still receiving these benefits and I am learning how to use them in a way that I feel is God honoring.

  • I don’t lie on my application for benefits: seems a little silly but it does happen. People try to tell me all the time how I can get more benefits if I just do this or say that. I’m not out to get as much as I can, I just want what we need for our family.
  • Smart Shopping: I meal plan, batch cook and coupon each month for our groceries. There will come a time when we no longer need the help and I want to develop good habits now. At the end of the month there’s usually something left over and I use that amount to get food for local food banks.
  • When we no longer need the benefits I won’t continue to apply: This is really self-explanatory.

Our monthly income is around $1200. It takes some serious planning and budgeting each month but the Lord always provides.

  • Keep expenses low: I live with my mom and we spilt all the household bills and rent, this is extremely helpful. Also I don’t pay for things like cable and we don’t eat out very much {maybe once a month at Chick-Fil-A}
  • Budget: I have a spreadsheet where I track all of my expenses and income each month. This helps me to see exactly where our money is going each month. I can see places that need to be trimmed and places where we are saving.
  • Saving when you can: I don’t have a big savings account, nor do I have much money left over each month. I do still try and save whenever I can. Usually I have about $15 left over at the end of the month that I put away. It’s not a lot but remember we’re starting small. I also check out thrift and consignment stores for clothes for the boys.

Those are just some ways that we are starting small in my house. I am learning to manage the small things that God has blessed me with so that as He sees fit to increase I’ll be able to manage those blessings as well.

LaToya is a single, homeschooling mom of two bouncing boys. In her spare time (haha) she loves to read novels, write, listen to music and watch old movies. She lives for the quiet moments of the day which are few and far between with two rambunctious young men running around the house. She strives each day to life fully for God and although she often falls short she is determined to stay the course. LaToya blogs about her life at You can also find her on Facebook and Twitter.

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