A Reflection Of Thankfulness
Although I try my best to live a life of THANKSGIVING every day – I wanted to publish my gratitude list that was published on my Facebook page intended to run from November 1-24, 2011. I started on day 3 – thank you for the GRACE 🙂
Day 3: I am thankful for a LOVING God!
Day 4: Thankful for the ability to walk without pain.
Day 5: Thankful for clean fresh air to breath in the beautiful German countryside!
Day 6: Thankful for a husband who loves God more than anything else, and loves me at a very very close second. This my friends, is the most amazing LOVE any marriage could experience!
Day 7: Thankful for our beautiful, healthy, sweet, confident, talented, brilliant children that God has blessed us with. I have been a stay-at-home homeschoolin’ mama from day 1 and wouldn’t trade it in for the world! SO THANKFUL!!
Day 8: Thankful for the ABILITY to read – and of course for the many many great books published that I am able to read to myself and with my family!
Day 9: Thankful for the freedom to worship God and read my Bible anytime I want to. Without out those two things, I would not be anything close to the person I am today. Thank you Lord!!
Day 10: Thankful for the beautiful “noise” that fills our house because we have 3 healthy, beautiful, and brilliant children! Life would be boring without it!
Day 11: Thankful for the great men and women who are veteran’s of the United States military! SO PROUD of my husband serving on his 5th long combat tour in the Middle East. I LOVE YOU HONEY AND AM HONORED TO BE YOUR WIFE!! Happy Veteran’s Day!!
Day 12: Thankful for the sound of his {Michael’s} voice – when I hear it – it always lets me know that EVERYTHING is gonna be all right! ♥ ♥ ♥
Day 13: Thankful for the ability to serve others as unto HIM. Without the LOVE of Jesus at work in our lives, we are spiritually bankrupt. Thank you Jesus for seeing me worthwhile to invest your LOVE in so I can glorify YOUR NAME!
Day 14: Thankful for the breath of life God put in my lungs today to live another day. Life is to be cherished, and I intend to do just that. Thank you Jesus for the GIFT OF LIFE – both ETERNAL AND TODAY!!
Day 15: Thankful for the ability to LOVE. True love comes from God and I am grateful that He loved me first!
Day 16: Thankful for a sweet baby dog who turns 2 in a couple of days. Samuel, our sweet Standard Poodle has enriched our lives in ways we’d never imagined!
Day 17: Thankful for my Grandma Yoshiko, Grandma Jean, and Grandma Kiyo. These precious women mean more to me than they’ll ever know!
Day 18: Thankful for the gift of “sight” – not just physical, but spiritual as well. With Jesus, now I can “see” what was once invisible to me – THE TRUTH! I ♥LOVE you Lord!
Day 19: Thankful for ministries like Compassion International that give our family the ability to have 3 other babies we can help that need the love of Jesus in a practical way! It does my heart good!
Day 20: Thankful for modern technology, specifically the telephone. With this wonderful invention, I am able to speak to my precious husband who is thousands of miles away in a country serving as a US Soldier. And he can hear our voices as we live as American’s in a foreign country waiting for his return 🙂
Day 21: Thankful for the strength that is only found in HIM {Jesus}. Here I am, alone again with the children, for another year and another Thanksgiving. But because of Him, I can be at peace and joyfully prepare for another wonderful Thanksgiving feast prepared by only the children and I AND only eaten by us as well. This is the strength of God at work in my life and I AM SO THANKFUL for it!
Day 22: Thankful for God keeping my loved ones safe all over the world. His divine promise of protection provides me with great peace and faith that can only be found in Him {Jesus}.
Day 23: Thankful for alone time with my daughter when the boys are in bed 🙂 Right now she is showing me some extreme gymnastics videos on YouTube and she is so stoked!
Day 24: Thankful for my new Keurig B145 Office Brewing System! It has made my cold German days A LOT warmer with tons of effortless flavor 🙂 See my blurb about it HERE.

This is a beautiful list! Your family is so lovely, and the blog looks great! Sorry its been forever since I stopped by!!! Blessings to you!
I love your list…I love day 21…the contentment in what is…not wallowing in the what it is not…thanks for sacrificing for a greater good…
Blessings and grace as you wait for your husbands return…