Why Do I Love My Husband?

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Why Do I Love My Husband

Why do I love my husband?

Let me count the ways!

Perhaps it is the gentle way that he touches my face when I have traveled life’s long, hard roads. At the very touch of his gentle hand comes the never ending flow of goodness and peace that only God can give.

Or maybe it’s the way he has fervently prayed over our family for the past 15 years. He rises before the sun even thinks of rising and walks the floors of our house declaring God’s promises over me. He always has, and I know in my heart he will continue to fight for our family until he takes his last breath.

Perhaps it is his keen sense of humor.

Wait, it has to be that GORGEOUS smile! Yeah, that’s it.

But really, it’s not just ONE thing about him, it’s EVERYTHING.

The truth is, I have never (outside of Jesus) met anyone so loving, caring, brilliant, patient, joyful, and handsome – with a servant’s heart of gold. Ever.

My husband has loved me in a way I didn’t think possible. He has carried me (with God’s help) through the storms of life with grace and God-given precision. He has navigated our family through the loss of two beautiful babies with grace and honor. He has loved me with the Love of Christ since the first time we laid eyes on one another. He has put up with me in all my mess. He has been a fantastic father to our children, provider for our family.

My husband is someone that anyone would love. From his calm and gentle demeanor to the love you feel exuding when you are around him, you just can’t help but love him. It’s a wondrous joy to be married to someone as selfless and compassionate as my Michael. He has given me the ability to see things in a light that I didn’t know existed. God has used him to help make this broken vessel whole.

I love how He radiates from the inside out of his love for Jesus. I love how he always points everyone to the source of His peace, strength, and joy – Jesus. I love how His heart is so compassionate — much like that of Jesus. I love how he holds his integrity in places and situations most think impossible. I love how he has dedicated his life for the past 20 years to a Savior that came to save the world.

Sure, I love how he showers me with affection, buys me chocolates when I need a pick-me-up, massages my feet, cooks meals, helps around the house and provides for our family so I can continue to be a stay-at-home homeschooling mother. It’s nice that he has been able to take us on vacations around the world. But the truth is, my husband alone is MORE than enough. I would take him without any of the “extra” and live in a tent for the rest of time, he is that amazing.

Why do I love my husband?

Because he exudes the love and compassion of Christ. And that, my dear friends, is why.

I pray, my dear sisters, that each of you can find your own piece (and peace) of heaven through your marriage. It is definitely something that can exist if you allow God to guide your life.

In His Service, Carlie K.


Happy Wives Blog Tour

This post is part of the Happy Wives Club Blog Tour which I am delighted to be a part of along with hundreds of inspiring bloggers. To learn more and join us, CLICK HERE!  

My dear friend, Fawn Weaver, the found of HWC is releasing her first book Happy Wives Club is Fawn’s journey across the world to meet new friends and discover what makes their marriages great. Join her on this exciting, exotic trip across six continents and through more than eighteen cities.

I read this book cover to cover in one night after putting the children to bed. It is THAT good. It really gets to the root of why marriage matters and how important it is to cultivate your love so that it can last a lifetime. This is definitely a book that I will keep and have purchased many copies to give as gifts.

Be sure to get your copy today!



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