Dear Mom: You Have a Life

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You Have A Life

I read the headline of a friend’s post. She was excited about getting her life back because she was enrolling in school.

My heart cried, “But….you already have a life! That beautiful daughter that you’re helping to become a young woman would say the same thing.”

How many times does a mom feel that she’s missed out on “living” while training up her children? Our children catch that. They know our heart attitudes just as deeply as they know the forced smile.

Every day is our life. We cannot rewind or do over.

I’m a big cheerleader for moms enriching their lives! I even wrote about it in Momma, Keep on Learning. We have desires that have had to not only take a back seat, but be cut out of our lives completely. Some of those may have been the very thing that God needed to cut in order for us to be free to answer a higher call.

I feel that we have to be mindful of our longings. Longings are sometimes thieves of our being in the here and now with our children. Longings can sometimes lead us to believe that we don’t have enough or can never be content without THAT thing that we’re missing out on.

Align the role and season of your life right now with the work that the Father has us to do. He’s willing to give you wisdom to use your gifts, strengths, and abilities while you’re nurturing your children.

God is our source of definition. We find our purpose when we walk in His wisdom.

Every day is our life. You have a life. Live daily to the full!

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    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment and I’m glad that this post blessed you!
      I’ve had these very thoughts about my life several times and it took the loving guidance of a friend or two to help me gain perspective of what (whom) is really in front of me. We, as moms, are in the business of launching our children. What a magnificent call!

  1. This post is so wonderful… and exactly what I needed to read today. I feel like I am in constant need of reminder of this. There is so much that pulls me in the other direction (friends, society, etc), telling me that I should be doing more, that I should have a million other things on the go while I am raising my daughter, as if just being ‘mom’ is not enough, let alone a mom ‘doing nothing’ while on maternity leave. I’m not doing nothing, I have a life… I’m raising a baby! I need to keep reminding myself that its ok to have a free schedule (not training for an athletic event, taking a Masters course, selling something for extra income, etc) to allow me to fully be present with my child & use time that I am free to read into the Word and learn and reflect on how to be a better mom, wife, person, etc. Thank you for the reminder!

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