
5 Prayers for Your Role as a Wife

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Sometimes we need to remind ourselves of God's promises for our marriage. Here are 5 prayers for your role as a wife.

Do you pray prayers for your role as a wife? Sometimes this can be a difficult thing to do. It was easy to pray for my husband and ask that God would intervene in his life.  After all, he came to our marriage with a trail of bad habits and quirks that annoyed me to the core. It was simple to pray for all of his shortcomings.

Yet when it came time to pray for my role as a wife, it wasn’t so easy.  It wasn’t as easy to recognize my weakness and see where I’ve fallen short.

However, once I was truly honest with God and could humbly admit my flaws as a wife, it was freeing!  Once we can lay aside our mounting pride, He has room to work and mold us in His image.

5 Prayers for Your Role as a Wife


There is a time in every woman’s life, where she has to realize where here identity is found. Even those with the best marriages will one day need to admit her identity does not lie in her relationship.

The truth is, as two flawed and sinful souls, we were never meant to be made complete in our marriage.  That ache and void in our souls was only designed to be complete when we enter into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

May this prayer help you (and me too!) remember our true worth and identity.

“Dear Lord,

Help me to remember that my identity and worth comes from a personal relationship with you, and not my marriage.  When things are tough and my marriage is rocky, help me to remember that my husband was never meant to complete me.  May I not place unjust expectations on his role in my life, and remember that his affection towards me will not fill my craving for you.

And when things are good in our marriage, help me to not idolize him or put him on your throne.  May I keep my identity and self-worth rooted in your grace alone. Amen.”


In every relationship, there will be times when we have to put aside our issues and move forward in forgiveness. While a petty spat may be easier to forgive than a larger offense, may we as wives learn to lavish grace, even in those tough spots in marriage.


Help me to be a gracious wife, even when I feel justified in my emotions.  Give me the ability to move past my husband’s flaws and shortcomings just as you willingly poured grace into my own life.  Help me to not hold a grudge or let bitterness rot my soul.  Instead, may I learn to forgive like Jesus and begin to mend the gap between us. Amen.”


Between crying kids and the never ending laundry, often our energy can be used up before our spouse even gets home.  Sometimes, serving our husband may be last thing on our mind after a long day.  Yet with God’s help, we can muster the strength to show our spouse how much we care through simple acts of service.


Honestly, at the end of a long day, sometimes I forget about and neglect my husband’s needs.  Help me to serve him even when I don’t feel like it.  Give me strength to pour your love into his life and to reflect your gentleness to him even when I’m weary. Help me to make him a priority and show him how much I care. Amen.”


We live in a modern world where submission to one’s husband is viewed as outdated or old-fashioned.  Yet Ephesians 5:22-24 gives the authority in the home to the male. (Sorry, ladies, it does!)

Now, that doesn’t mean that wives are to be doormats to their husbands or should consent to things that are outside of God’s law.  Instead, this passage offers insight to the beauty of the God-created roles for men and women.

As women, we are to support and be a help-mate to our husbands. I personally, LOVE that God created me to be the #1 cheerleader for my man.  I am by far his biggest fan, but even then, sometimes being a submissive wife isn’t always easy.


Thank you for the distinct roles you created for husbands and wives.  Help us to see them as a gift and not a hindrance.  Give me ability to submit to my husband’s authority that you placed over me and to be gentle in spirit when we’re in confrontation.

Help me to carefully choose my words when in the middle of a disagreement, and to be a strong help meet to my husband. Amen.”


There is no greater area of danger for a married couple than intimacy.  Emotions and feelings can quickly spiral out of control when this topic is broached. Pray daily that God will keep your marriage bed pure and strengthen it with each passing year.


Protect our marriage bed and our intimacy from temptation.  Help us to always turn to each other to satisfy our sexual needs, and help us make regular intimacy a priority in our marriage.  May we learn to put each other’s needs before our own and to put each other first in all aspects of our marriage. Amen.”

Over the years I’ve learned that praying for my role as a wife is just as important as praying for his husband heart.  Through these 5 prayers for your role as a wife, may God fashion us and mold us into His image.  And may we learn to shine His love into our marriage each and every day!

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Consecrated Conversations is a devotional that we developed to help Christian couples cultivate a closer, more intimate communication with God and each other.

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