Two Different Summers, Two Difficult Changes

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Summers 2

It was a sultry summer day in Georgia, the year was 1989, and I was an 18-year-old with one year of university under my belt. I had already made plans for my sophomore year, but while serving as a counselor at church camp, I heard another girl talk about the Bible college she had attended almost 900 miles away.

The more she spoke about the school, the more excited I became. I felt like my spirit was turning cartwheels within me. That was the very day that I believe the Lord dropped it into my heart that I was to attend that same college.

This decision was the most difficult I had ever had to make. I was leaving the comfort of family, friends, and the small town I grew up in to move across the country to a place I’d never even been. It was hard being separated from everyone I knew and loved, but I knew that I was being obedient to the Lord.

Making the decision to trust and obey the Lord changed my life for the better. That very same summer I met the man who would become my best friend and husband. We were married the following year and the real adventure began! We will celebrate 24 years of marriage next month.

Fast forward to today.

My husband and I just moved our 19-year-old daughter to the very same city where we met, and in September, she will be attending the same Bible college.

Moving her almost 900 miles away was incredibly challenging emotionally. LOTS of tears were shed by us, as well as by her brothers. But she has begun her own great adventure! I know that the Lord will keep her safe and will bless her with many lifelong friends. She will gain more and more knowledge of the Word of God and will be well-trained for her God-given purpose in life.

I, of all people, am well-aware that she may never come home again to live with us. The Lord may have an entirely different plan for her future. But whatever that plan is, I know it will be good! (Jeremiah 29:11) And while at college, she may even meet the man who will one day become her husband. <I cringe at the thought!> 😉

I have been very blessed to be a stay-at-home mom with all of our children. I never had to endure the agony of the first day of kindergarten because we have homeschooled them from the beginning. The Lord has been so gracious and kind to allow me to have an amazing opportunity that my own mother never had.

Still, I wasn’t ready for a child to move out – and especially so far away! I am extremely thankful for the modern technology that we have today. Now we can Skype or FaceTime, text, email, post on each other’s Facebook wall, and more. These things help close the distance a little, but I must admit it is still hard emotionally. I still miss being able to hug my girl.

But I am ever so proud of the lovely, godly young woman she has grown into. I am beyond thrilled that she is following God’s plan for her life. She will reap a harvest of blessings for her obedience to His will.

What more can I ask for? I am immensely blessed! And God’s grace is sufficient for me to let go.


Dear mama, don’t grow weary when your children are small and always under your feet, or getting on your last nerve. Don’t fail to spend quality time with them playing their games, reading them stories, holding them in your arms, or kissing their boo-boos.

Don’t forget to nurture them through their awkward tween and teen years. Be there for them to listen and to instruct. Use every chance you get to train them up in the tender love and admonition of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4).

Make the most of every opportunity each day because they will be grown in the blink of an eye!

You will never have this day with your children again
Tomorrow, they will be a little older than they were today
This day is a gift, just breathe and notice, smell and touch them
Study their faces and little feet and pay attention
Relish the charms of the present.
Enjoy today, Mama.
It will be over before you know it!

~Jen Hatmaker

How true that is!

Summers That Changed Us Series

This post was a part of the “Summers That Changed Us” series going on this month at Managing Your Blessings. Be sure to check out other great posts in the series!

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  1. Such a beautiful article, friend. It isn’t always easy to obey the Lord, but He gives us much more than we could ever see when we do 🙂 Praying for you as you enter into this season without your precious daughter underfoot. He is faithful!

    1. Thanks, sweet Carlie! It *is* getting easier. We talk, text and/or fb each day & skype once or twice a week. Thank God for the internet! Thank you for your prayers — they mean so much! And yes, He is amazingly faithful!!! 🙂

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