The Woodcarver DVD Review & Giveaway
About the Movie:
Matthew Stevenson is a troubled kid from a broken home. When he vandalizes the local church to get back at his parents, Matthew has to repair the damage to the church to avoid criminal charges. While working at the church, he meets Ernest (John Ratzenberger), an accomplished wood carver who created the intricate woodwork decoration that Matthew destroyed. Ernest has become something of a hermit, but reluctantly comes out of reclusion to help repair the church. Now Ernest and Matthew must work together to preserve the church’s beautiful antiquity, and along the way, they also manage to restore their faith in God and in life.
My Thoughts:
My daughter and I watched this movie together and it spoke volumes to both of our lives. One of the main things that stood out for me was the depiction of how God’s love can soften even the hardest of hearts. It is a true testimony about the power of God’s love AND forgiveness. The characters were cast well, thus adding to the “realness” of the issues at hand. I would recommend this movie for tweens up as it can speak to the heart of a child in this age range dealing with different facets of life.
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DISCLOSURE of material connection:
I was provided with a free copy of this DVD in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed are my own and were in no way influenced by the company.