5 Reasons my Teenage Daughter and I Started a Business Together

Like most mothers, I want what is best for each of my children. I do my very best to be there for my children and provide them with the love, stability, and education that they need to do well in this life. I also strive to be a good role model for our daughter as she learns how to be a woman directly by the things that I do – not just by what I say. One of the things that our daughter has taken interest in that I do is becoming an entrepreneur. She is fascinated with the fact that this long time (over 15 years) stay-at-home homeschooling mom can also have an online business. So I am doing my best to teach her all about this before she leaves our home at the appointed time. Today I am sharing 5 reasons that my teenage daughter and I have started two businesses together.
5 Reasons my Teenage Daughter and I Started A Business Together
1. So she will learn how to serve others while leading them. Servant leadership is a big thing in our home. We believe that if you haven’t served your community first, how can you lead them? In today’s day and age, both servant leadership and the art of good customer service have been lost. We want our daughter to learn how to serve others and learn how to put the needs of others ahead of her own so that when she is in a position of leadership she will not be there simply to assert power, but to actually serve those whom she’ll be leading. This concept has helped her be a wonderful older sister and will also serve her well in higher education, her own family as a wife and mother, and of course any other leadership role she may assume.
2. So she will continue to think outside of the box. One thing my husband and I have always taught our children is to think outside of the box. While there is nothing wrong with learning with tried and true methods, we want our children to explore and take risks where they believe one is warranted. What better way to develop our giftings and hone our crafts than by doing them?
3. So she will have real-life money management skills and appreciation for the dollar. This is a skill that many youth do not possess today. Unfortunately our culture leans more and more towards a mentality that teaches kids to want things (thanks to being inundated with marketing and technology) but isn’t teaching our youth to be responsible with money nor work for it. What better way to learn how to manage money and appreciate the value of the dollar than running your own business? She can learn more this way than in any business class she’ll take in college (believe me, I know).
4. So she doesn’t have to rely on others for her livelihood. My husband and I have witnessed the ups and downs of the employment market during our lifetime. We have witnessed some of the hardest working people we know lose their job to outsourcing, computer programs, and an unstable economy. And it is heartbreaking. I am not saying there is anything wrong with making an honest living working for someone else, but what I am saying is that having the ability to create a job for yourself is a skill that can be life-changing.
5. Because it’s always good to understand global economy and marketing. As a person who has lived all over the world, I can tell you that very few American’s understand the global economy. Prior to living overseas I had an understanding from a textbook perspective – but it wasn’t until I actually lived overseas and started my own business that I was able to really grasp the global economy and where my business and American dollar fit into it all.
The Businesses I Started With My Teen Daughter
I’m sure many of you are wondering what business we started together….drum roll please….
We became Lilla Rose consultants! You can check out our online shop HERE.
Great article Carlie! We too are teaching our kids about owning a home business. There are so many great skills that they’ll need to know that will be helpful in the future – talking to people, marketing, handling money, etc. Plus, with our current economy, it’s always a good idea for every family to have a “Plan B.” There are many great benefits to moms being able to work from home, especially as homeschoolers! Plus I think it’s so important to teach our girls about this now so they can help their future husbands by contributing to the family economy. 😉
Exactly, Lori! I love what you are teaching your kids! Thank you so much for stopping by!
I love reason #1. Great article.
Thanks, Gina 🙂