Operation Christmas Child {Early} Box Prep & Link Up

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What Is Operation Christmas Child?

Operation Christmas Child is a phenomenal ministry outreach of Samaritan’s Purse. The basic concept is to make shoe boxes filled with blessings (also known as presents) for needy children in other countries around the world. Ranging from practical gifts to fun toys, this ministry carries the gospel of Jesus Christ to other nations while blessing them with things they would otherwise go without.

Our family has participated in this ministry outreach as long as I can remember. It is the perfect way to teach our children (and remind ourselves) of the importance of giving to others in need. Growing up, I was very poor. Although I did not have it as bad as some other children in undeveloped nations, it was still a hard time. Not always having food, electricity, and clothing that fit was a reality for me as a small child.

I always think of these scriptures in Acts 4 –  in true gratitude to God for delivering me out of poverty:

32 All the believers were united in heart and mind. And they felt that what they owned was not their own, so they shared everything they had. 33 The apostles testified powerfully to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and God’s great blessing was upon them all. 34 There were no needy people among them, because those who owned land or houses would sell them 35 and bring the money to the apostles to give to those in need.

This year our family is going to prepare 10 boxes for Operation Christmas Child.

  • Princess is preparing 3 boxes for girls in each age group.
  • Prince Charming is preparing 3 boxes for boys in his age group (5-9).
  • Little Caveman is preparing 3 boxes for boys in his age group (2-4).
  • Our family is making one box for a boy age 10-14.

I am so happy to say that I am organizing an OCC drive while living in Germany – and that blesses my heart beyond words. Our local homeschool group (made up of American military and American contractors since it is illegal for German’s to homeschool) is going to participate together this year for the first time. YAY!!

Our progress so far

We have already packed 5 boxes for this year – and will pack 5 more before the deadline. Here is an example of all the LOVE you can fit into a “shoe box” for a child. We used clear plastic containers that we will line with wrapping paper and rubber band to keep a tight grip on the contents inside. The box shown is for a boy ages 2-4.

Here are the contents all laid out.

Here they are all snug in their box!


 What do you pack?

Need more details?

For complete details on packing your shoe boxes and the date in which they need to be finished, you can go to the Operation Christmas Child website.


So You Call Yourself A Homeschooler?As a member of iHomeschool Network’s Samaritan’s Purse Blogger Team, I write about the ministry on a volunteer basis. All posts are my own thoughts and do not necessarily reflect the views of Samaritan’s Purse. I am not on employee, agent, or contractor of Samaritan’s Purse.


Link up your OCC post below!

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