Momma, Keep On Learning

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*photo credit: Apolonia|Free Digital
*photo credit: Apolonia|Free Digital

My mom got her master’s degree in Bible study at age 62!

I want to be like her when I grow up!

I’ve watched my mom study the Bible my whole life. I’ve also watched her educate herself for her job.

I vividly remember my mom sitting at our dining room table hammering typewriter keys, practicing for speed tests. She desired a new position and promotion.

For the life of me I didn’t understand the necessity for my siblings and I to be quiet! Now I do. Momma was learning! She was learning for enjoyment, enrichment, and promotion.

I also remember that she taught herself to crochet and macrame, thus turning it into a side income.

My mom taught me the art of always learning, and keeping the mind sharp.

Now, more than ever, self-education is easy to find. Whether downloading a book, watching a webinar, taking distance courses, or subscribing to a podcast, there’s no limit.

We have to value ourselves enough to want to enrich our lives.

Sometimes it turns into a calling to share what we’ve learned with others or to create a new income. Other times it’s to have those “Aha!” moments.

I have plans, because God has laid it on my heart, to follow in my mom’s footsteps and further my education in Bible study and honing my writing skills.

  • What is something that you’ve been wanting to learn about? 
  • Is it something new or something that you’ve put on the back burner?
  • Can you take baby steps or big leaps to accomplish those things?

Pray about it!

God loves it when we dream and use the brains that He’s given us. He created us to glorify Him and He’s given us the creative ability to do it magnificently!

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