Make God the Center of Your Relationship

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When you desire to make God the center of your relationship, there are several practical, yet powerful ways to do just that. We will warn you ahead of time though… you will have to be intentional. Anything you do in and for your relationship will be a choice. The same principle is true when it comes to placing God at His rightful place – the center. Here are several practical tips for couples who want to make God the center, foundation, and everything in their relationship.

Make God the Center of Your Relationship

5 Ways to Make God the Center of Your Relationship

Creating a love triangle with you, your spouse, and God will help you stand strong despite the many trials and tribulations that may come. Take a look at those around you who you know this to be true for. Most likely they have been married for more years than you can count and have the testimonies to go with it. Build your relationship with God by doing the following suggestions.

Put God first personally.

If you haven’t started building your own relationship with God, start there first. You can only get so far living through the belief and faith of your spouse (or other believers around you). You’ll have to develop your own relationship with God and understand the Father-child relationship He wants to have with you.

Once you’ve started your relationship with God, make every effort to put Him first – even before your spouse. After all, Colossians (1:16) makes it pretty clear that He deserves that position-

“For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.”

Seek God’s plans for your marriage/relationship together.

When you seek God with your spouse, it opens the door to so many blessings. Not only will it bring you together onto the same page, but you’ll also be headed in the same direction. One of the top things divorcing couples say is, “We’re just headed in two different directions.” It would be much harder to reach that point if you are constantly seeking the Father together. Instead of giving up at the fork in the road, God’s plans would possibly reveal a way to merge it.

Pray together and for one another.

Prayer is one of the most powerful love languages and ways to communicate with God. It also helps build trust between you and your spouse. When you pray together, it shows a sense of humility and togetherness. When you add praying for one another, it helps build and foster security. There’s also something special between couples who pray together. Not only are you able to press the throne room for one another but you’re also able to see how God works and moves in your lives.

Study God’s Word together.

Alongside praying for one another, diving into God’s Word is another powerful way to make God the center of your relationship. If you’re not sure where to start, you can start with a particular book of the Bible and read it through. Or, you can purchase a bible study book to read together. The overall goal is to get you both in the Word together and making it real in your relationship.

Be intentional about being a godly spouse.

This is where all those Scriptures of what it means to be a godly husband and wife make their debut. God doesn’t give us these instructions as something to hope we can do. He gives them to us because (1) they are doable and (2) they are what makes a thriving relationship. There may be days when you’re less loving, but that’s okay. Pray, repent, ask for forgiveness, and make the effort to be loving. Then, rinse and repeat.

Final Thoughts

Making God the center of your relationship is one of the single best things you can do if you want a blessed and prosperous marriage. Go through our suggestions above and look for ways to practically incorporate them into your life. You’ll be glad you did!

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