How to Protect Your Marriage Vision

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If you’ve been married for any amount of time, then you are probably aware of how important it is to protect your marriage vision. We can all agree that the enemy seeks to kill, steal, and destroy anything that is glorifying the Father, especially marriages. Look back at the first union between Adam and Eve. It has been the enemy’s mission since the beginning of human existence to come between the covenant of a man and woman. 

To help you protect your marriage vision, we’ll look at a few practical and spiritual tips to guard the vision God has given you for your marriage.

How to Protect Your Marriage Vision

How to Protect Your Marriage Vision

Stay rooted in prayer.

“Pray continually.” (1 Thessalonians 5:17)

There are plenty of reasons why scripture tells us to pray continually. As long as there is breath in our bodies, there is an enemy seeking to turn us from following, pleasing, and glorifying the Father. The same can be said about every aspect of life, especially when it comes to the vision God has for marriage – your marriage. Protect this vision by staying rooted in prayer and constantly petitioning for a hedge of protection. 

Stand on specific bible verses.

And the Lord answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it.” (Habakkuk 2:2)

Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint, but blessed is he who keeps the law. (Proverbs 29:18)

Verses like these are great examples of scriptures that can be claimed over your marriage vision. At the root and foundation of any vision is God, His instructions, and our willingness to be obedient. Find and proclaim scriptures like these over your marriage. Pray them out loud, meditate on them, and stand firm on them.

Speak life over your marriage vision.

Sometimes we may not understand where and how God is leading us. These moments can be filled with doubt, insecurity, and overwhelming emotions. But with God, all things are possible and we can stand on knowing that all things work together for the good of those who are called according to His purpose. These are the truths and life-speaking words to declare and decree over your marriage vision.

Go over your marriage vision often.

Anything left unattended will often be forgotten or hard to remember. The same can be said about marriage visions. Set aside time for you and your spouse to intentionally go over the vision God has for your marriage. Talk about what it looks like and if you’re actively walking it out. Use this time to also talk about any aspect that may not be in alignment with your marriage vision.

Find marriage mentors.

Having an older couple who has been married a long time can help you protect your marriage vision. Not only will they be able to provide solid and sound advice, but they’ll also be able to join you in prayer over your marriage. Oftentimes you can find a married couple to mentor you in your church/fellowship. While they are not there to fix your problems, per se, they can be there as a sort of support system.

Final Thoughts

If a marriage vision isn’t something you have for your marriage yet, it’s not too late to create one. We have several resources to help guide you in creating one. If you do have a marriage vision, use the suggestions mentioned above to keep it covered and protected. A marriage that is covered and protected is one that can withstand the wiles of the enemy. 

We are praying and rooting for you!

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