The Honor of Becoming a Help Meet

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Today I am over at The Time Warp Wife guest posting about “The Honor of Becoming a Help Meet“. Here is an excerpt from my post:

“If I am being honest, the first time I learned about the concept of being a “help meet” I was not too impressed. Bare in mind that I was a newly saved 22-year-old woman attending a liberal university. I grew up in a home where my step-dad and mother were very physically violent towards one another and verbally abusive as well. And the abuse didn’t end towards one another, it extended down to both my younger brother and I. I am sure you can imagine the type of mindset that I had about marriage – it was very much tainted by my circumstances and the ideology of the world.

Needless to say, I was not the little girl who dreamed about her beautiful white dress and wedding day. No, I was actually against marriage with every fiber of my being. So against it that I swore that I would never marry. But God had a different plan.”

Join me to see why I think it is a joy to serve my husband in this way – simply click the image to be taken to The Time Warp Wife.

Fulfilling Your Vows


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