Homeschooling Year Round – Are You Crazy?!?!

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Ever since my husband and I decided to homeschool, we always knew it would be something that we would do “year round”. It is funny because often times when I tell people (homeschoolers and non-homeschoolers alike) we school year round, I am usually asked, “Are you crazy?” No. I’d like to think I am quite sane – most of the time. This post is to explain our reasoning for schooling year round.

First let me start by saying, our homeschool does not “look” like the school that most people are used to. We don’t make the children sit at a hard desk all day and be quiet. We don’t make them raise their hands and get in line. We don’t start every day at the exact same time. Nor do we end at the same time. Let’s be honest, there are some days that just don’t START at all! However what WE DO is embrace learning in what ever form it comes that day.

Our school looks a bit like this….today our daughter, Princess, was memorizing her speech for her public speaking class while jumping on the trampoline. PE and homework for an elective all at once! Princess laying upside down on the couch while reading Jane Austin’s “The Scarlet Letter” with two little boys bouncing around her singing their ABC’s. Science experiment with all three kiddos in the kitchen….starting our very own mold and bacteria collection with some old orange peels and bread. Popping the German language CD into the laptop while the children are dancing in a circle repeating the lesson for today. H taking her math test on the stairs while her brothers were quietly asleep. Bible devotional time when ever we can get the boys to “focus” and again before bedtime. This is a more realistic insight into our homeschool, and I wouldn’t change it for the world. Why would I? Our children LOVE to learn. They love to conquer the world around them while taking a little piece of it with them each time they do. Oh, and they LOVE each other too.

Because our children love to learn and the world around them offers so much to see, we have always thought it best to never “stop” learning. We are able to do schooling at home as well as take it on “the road” out into the community and right now, do it in another country! My children have been to places I had only dreamed of these past few months while living abroad. And many more of these opportunities will come our way because we make our own schedule and pace of life with Christ as the center. This is why we homeschool year round, because learning never stops, so why should we?

Thank you for sharing in our journey!

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