Coming to God With The New

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A New Year is the easiest time to set your goals and resolutions.  We all do it.  We bring out our brand new calendars, planners and organizers and just think of all the possibilities this new clean year has to offer.

  • That new diet and exercise plan you’ve been wanting to start up.
  • Finally keeping your house clean and organized.
  • Taking a photo a day to record this wonderful new year.
  • Reading your daily devotions – every day!

But all to soon after we begin we may have a slip up.  We start going back to our old ways – our old habits.  We begin thinking “I can’t do this.”  “I’m not strong enough to change!”  I am terribly guilty of these thoughts.  I can not tell you how many times I begin a new diet and exercise plan on Monday only to miss Wednesday and say “I’ll start again next Monday.”  Next Monday comes around and the same thing happens again and I get frustrated with myself and begin thinking “I can’t do this!”  The third Monday comes and I begin again and again I don’t complete the week.  I throw my heads over my face and cry “I’m not strong enough to change!”

It’s so easy for us to fall into this routine of beating our self up when our plans don’t go as we think.  When we aren’t strong enough to follow through with what we should be doing.  It’s true – WE are NOT strong enough to do it ALL on our own. Because we were not created to do it all on our own and His plans are not always the same as our plans.

Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.  {Isaiah 43:19}

God’s promise to us is that He will never leave our side.  He will walk through fire with us.  Isaiah 43:19 tells us He is in the NEW!  He will make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.  He is with us in:

  • Our New Year
  • Our New Month
  • Our New Week
  • Our New Day
  • Our New Minute
  • Our New Second

All we need to do is ask Him to be there.  Ask Him to guide us and hold our hands.  Nothing is to large or to small to bring to God.  My family and I have gone through so many trials and difficult times financially, physically, emotionally over the last few years.  This verse has helped me come running back to God asking for His help – His guidance.  It’s been so easy for me to cling to this verse when times are difficult but my challenge to myself and to you is to remember it for the “little” things too.  When you stray from your daily Bible Study ask God to bring you a NEW love for reading His Word.  When your diet and exercise routing falls apart ask God to bring you NEW strength.

When you’re setting your new goals for this year/month/day I encourage you to first sit down and pray about them (no matter how small or silly you may think your goal is).  Ask for God’s guidance in your plans and ask Him to join you in each of your NEW goals.  God tells us if we ask He will provide – so ask!  God so desperately wants to be apart of your life – don’t shut Him out.  Don’t become so busy with your own ideas and plans that you forget to talk to Him about them.

I’m married and I would never consider purchasing something like a house or car with out talking to my husband about it.  We are a team and in a relationship – why would I shut him out of something so huge?  But I also discuss with my hubby my plans and goals that are small: dieting, Bible Study, organizing the house, my daily routines, etc.  I use my hubby as a sounding board for all my crazy ideas (big or small).  I know you may be feeling a little sorry for him right now but we both do this.  We both value each others input and ideas we may have to help guide us to a good decision.

Go to God as your sounding board for all your goals and plans (no matter the size).

Now why wouldn’t I want to do the same with God?  Are we not a team?  Am I not in a relationship with God?  If you ever run to another person (spouse, friend or family member) for advise or just for some one to listen to you, because you know that they care for you and your well being.  Then know that as much as that person is their for you here on earth – God is even more eager to listen and guide you from heaven.  His love for you is even greater than we could ever imagine.

Do not give up when your plans fall apart!

Do not become frustrated with yourself for not conquering it on your own?

Run to God with your old and your NEW – He wants to clear a path for you!

Guest post from Meg @ Homeschoolin Mama a previous MYB contributor.

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