Speaking Life Into Your Homeschool {Day 2}: Recognizing Our Need For Change

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Speaking Life Into Your Homeschool {Day 2}

So You Call Yourself a Homeschooler?

Yesterday we discovered the importance of training our minds and mouths to speak words of life over our homeschool. Today we will be talking about the importance of recognizing our need for change in this area of our life.

No more pretending.

No more hiding.

Let’s face this together, head on!

Recognizing Our Need For Change

As we have heard many say before, “The first step to recovery is recognizing there is a problem.” Well I can tell you this, as far back as I can remember, I have had a problem with not always speaking kind words when I become frustrated. It is something that was an inherent part of my growing up (as I am sure was the case for many of you reading this right now). I grew up around a lot of negative words, negative energy, and unfortunately it was all mixed with a lot of violence and abuse in the home.

Although my life was off to a rough start – it doesn’t matter. It is no excuse to continue the behavior that was modeled to me. For those of us who have accepted Christ as our Savior and believe what the Bible has to say – we need to examine our hearts and recognize our need for change. This is not always an easy thing to do, but it is a necessary part of the process of working out our salvation – and it is worth every single effort you pour into it.

It is easy to “look” like we have it all together. It is easy to pretend that we don’t have a problem in this area (or any area for that matter) of our life. But I challenge you to take a closer look. Consider this, “But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” {1 Samuel 16:7}

When you read this scripture, it confirms the fact that no one but God knows the true condition of our heart. Although you and I have a good idea of who we are – so long as we are reading the Bible and allowing God to reveal it to us – it is God alone that knows the true need for repentance in the area of the words we speak.

With this in mind – it gives us the ability to recognize that we need God’s help to continually help the words that we speak over our family and homeschool to line up with God’s Word of Life – rather than human emotions and words of death (the direct opposite of God’s Word).

Now that you and I know we have this need in our life – let’s take some time to pray and allow God to minister to our hearts as we prepare for battle. Yes, it will be a battle to change how we speak when we are frustrated, tired, and angry, but we can do it. Let’s take a look tomorrow at what we can do to make a big change in our daily habits to make our heart and mouth line up with the Bible. Together, we can make speaking life a reality in our heart, family, and homeschool!

Family Devotional

Fruit of the Spirit Family Devotional

My husband Michael and I also wrote a family devotional that teaches young families how to incorporate positive confessions (from the Bible) into their every day life that will change the course of their thinking. You can learn more about our book here.

If you are looking for some good family scripture lists, come take a peek at our page of FREE printable confession lists at Learning to Speak Life™.


Learning to Speak Life Podcast

Tomorrow we will examine some ways that we can overcome the temptation to speak words of death over our homeschool and family. See you then!


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