4 Ways to Make Your Marriage a Priority

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make your marriage a priority

4 Ways to Make Your Marriage a Priority

If your life is anything like mine then it is easy to get caught up in the business of day-to-day life. From the blessing of raising our three children to days full of homeschooling high school down to second grade, my life can sometimes become a blur. And the truth is that often times I find myself so exhausted at the end of the day that I can neglect to spend quality time with my husband. If you find your marriage coming in last place each day, I encourage you to rethink your priorities. Today I am going to share with you four (of the many, many) ways to make your marriage a priority.

1. Take the time to connect with your spouse during the day.

This has become a huge source of connection in my own marriage. From little notes in his lunch to a text telling one another how we look forward to being together at the end of the day, these little actions of love show your spouse that you are thinking of them. For those who have husband’s unable to speak during the day or are deployed, you can still connect with them. Send them an email or letter letting them know how much you love them. Take some pictures of you and the children and send those along with a note letting him know how much he means to each of you. There are always ways to connect each day. I would encourage you to take the time to jot down some ways unique to your situation and then put them into action!

>>>Read the rest of my post HERE<<<

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