Explore YOUR World!

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Explore Your World

Hello, friends! I am going to be a bit transparent here… come in closer… I am not a huge fan of science. *blush*  There! I said it! Ever since grade school, I have just learned the information long enough to take the test and move on.

A math quiz covered in problems? Bring it on…

A sentence to diagram into a million pieces? I’ll take it…

Diagram a cell? Someone hold me…

Now, don’t get me wrong; I did fine as I excelled in reading, which was the bulk of my science instruction. However, I was never fully engaged in the learning because I just wasn’t interested.

Fast forward to 2013. I now have three girls that I am seeking to teach, and although I would love to skip the subject altogether (I know… bad Mommy!), I fight the urge as I know that it will hinder them in the future and possibly even keep them from discovering their own passions. We have curriculum that I think is great and books that reinforce learning. But I began to consider how I can make science come alive to them, rather than being something that you only read about. I decided that instead of looking in places unknown for knowledge, I needed to look closer. Since then, I have determined to Explore OUR World.

I began with our own yard. To start this exploration, I purchased one tool. It has become the best $1.49 investment that I have ever made: a magnifying glass, or as my three-year-old calls it, “my megamind cup.” (Haha, I can’t make this stuff up, folks!) I gave each girl their own and let them loose in the yard. I walked with them and we explored. What did we learn about OUR world?

  • There are so many bugs in the world that we never even see because they are so small!
  • The veins of a leaf are important and help sustain its life.
  • Why a leaf dies when it is disconnected.
  • How to start a fire using a magnifying glass and the sun. (Yeah, okay. So their Dad decided to sit in the leaves with them and teach them survival skills. This was by far their favorite lesson of the day. Way to go Dad!)

We discussed all of this in one morning without ever leaving our home. The girls were filled with wonder and excitement. Science had become real to them and they were full of questions! And when you think about it, isn’t that what science is all about? It is about discovering the world around us and learning what makes it work.

I encourage you to take an afternoon, drop your books, grab a magnifying glass, and go discover your own world! Perhaps it is snowing where you are. How beautiful snowflakes are when you look closer! Perhaps you live on a farm. I am sure you would find many exciting things right in your own backyard.

Extra credit is given for all those that comment on what they found! 😉 Have fun and Explore YOUR World!

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