If You Were A Fly On The Wall In Our Homeschool

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An Inside Look at Homeschooling

If you were a fly on the wall this is what you would see – crazy shenanigans of the Kercheval three.

Some days you’d see three ninjas roaming about, other days rambunctious children who really like to shout.

Other days you”ll see things strewn about like Mystery of History Volume II, All About Reading, and North Star Geography too!

The head schoolmaster really likes to read and often times she’s cuddled up with the Kercheval three.

Even the high schooler likes to sit with mom as she reads classic books read to her by her grandma.

The Kercheval boys always sit still because audible reading gives them a thrill.

The kitchen classroom is one of the favorites many delectable things are created inside of it.

Do you like to boogie board? The Kercheval’s do. They do this often in their beach classroom.

What about physics? Are you into this? One of the Kercheval’s is a competitive USA gymnast!

I can tell you one thing – lots of physics goes on at the gym.

Painting, drawing, poetry, and art are something that the Kercheval three are fond of in their heart.

One things for certain – they all like to learn – homeschooling has blessed the Kercheval family for sure.

Even more than homeschooling their home is filled with love.

From Washington to Virginia to New York to North Carolina to Germany and California – their homeschooling adventures never get boring.

So if you were a fly on the wall in the Kercheval’s homeschool, better be ready to travel the world!


This post is linked up with the iHomeschool Network’s A-day-in-the-life week.



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