6 Ways to Love Your Wife

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ways to love your wife

6 Ways to Love Your Wife

Husbands: Do you struggle with ways to showcase how much you love your wife? Do you find yourself exhausted at the end of the day, after work, dinner and time with the kids? Are you really taking the time to invest in the relationship that you and wife have built? Though it may take some extra effort, sowing into your marriage should be one of the biggest priorities you have each day. With some practice, I’ve found ways to show Carlie just how important she is to me. Here are 6 Ways to Love your Wife.

Show her you’re still attracted to her.

After you’ve started your family, chances are that your wife isn’t feeling like the same young, fresh person she was when you were dating. Find one thing that you find attractive about her each day and compliment her on it. Your compliments don’t always have to be physical. They can also be personality traits, or things that she’s done. A simple daily affirmation of your attraction will help her to remember how much you love her.

Acknowledge the role that she plays in your family.

Whether your wife works in the home, or out of the home, she needs to feel valued. Make a point of noticing what she does for your family and how important those actions are. By sharing with her how much you appreciate her cooking, cleaning, working, etc. you’re showing her that you see all that she does and sincerely value the partnership that you share.

Be her knight in shining armor.

This one might sound cliché, but most women, whether they recognize it or not, want a knight in shining armor. That doesn’t mean you need to buy a horse and ride in to save her. It does mean helping to minimize her hurt and stress. When times get tough, find ways to lessen her load and take the reins to make it happen. This might mean scheduling a massage or date night during stressful times or taking over with the kids while she takes a few minutes to read. One of my favorite “knightly” things to do is hand her a coffee gift card and tell her to go relax for a bit while the kids and I hang out. Helping her take time to step back from life’s stressors will serve as another reminder of how much you care.

6 Ways to Love Your Wife :: fulfillingyourvows.com

Remember Romance.

Keeping the romance in your relationship is key to showing your wife that you love her. You may plan a fancy dinner out or simply bring flowers home from work. There’s something said for being comfortable in your marriage and knowing that you’ll always be there for each other, but it’s important to not get so comfortable that you forget to keep the spark burning. I aim to do something romantic (like flowers, notes, etc) at least once a week. Little signs of romance will, despite life’s crazy times, make your marriage stronger.


Communication is something that comes naturally to some and takes effort for others. Keeping your wife in the loop will help her to know what you’re thinking and how she can take an active role in your relationship. Communication should be open about any plans…everything from what time you hope to get home to what’s going on at work to what’s stressing you out (and how she can help.) We often have our chats once the kids are in bed and the house is quiet, so that we can devote our time to each other. By talking to your wife, she will understand that you do see your marriage as a partnership and that you’re there to support one another.

Set goals together.

When you said your vows, you agreed to spend your lives together. Over our lives we all grow and change. Talking regularly about how you hope to grow and change together will help her to know that you still see your marriage as a “forever” commitment. One of the things I like about our goal setting sessions is the book of dreams that we’ve created. We can look back over the years at the hopes that we’ve had and how far we’ve come. Through goal setting, not only will you have a common vision to work on together, but you’ll both be reminded of the power that you have as a couple.

Do you have other ideas on ways to love your wife? Please share your thoughts.

6 Ways to Love Your Husband

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