5 Ways to Love Your Spouse Through Words of Affirmation

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You’re probably familiar with the five love languages, one of them being words of affirmation. It’s not a secret that these characteristics have helped people – including us – strengthen their relationships and marriages. The key is to take it one language at a time and become intentional in adopting it as a lifestyle. Here’s how!

5 Ways to Love Your Spouse Through Words of Affirmation

5 Ways to Love Your Spouse Through Words of Affirmation

Before walking out loving your spouse through words of affirmation, you first need to know what it means. In a nutshell, words of affirmation mean communicating with your spouse through genuine, uplifting, encouraging, and inspiring words. It’s much more than just saying it, though. They will need to come from the heart.

Even if words of affirmation aren’t one of you or your spouse’s top love languages, it can still be used to show love and enhance your marriage. Here are some ideas for using words of affirmation toward your spouse.

Commend your spouse’s strengths.

It’s easy to point out your spouse’s weaknesses, so be intentional with speaking about their strengths. When you notice they are doing something positive, let them know how awesome it is and what it means to you. This could also help encourage them especially if they are feeling down or discouraged.

Leave your spouse encouraging notes.

I don’t know about you, but anytime I’ve received a “random” note from my husband, it’s always been the extra pick-me-up for whatever I may have been experiencing that day. These love notes can be post-it notes left on your spouse’s desk, in the visor of the car, or on the bathroom mirror. The idea is to show your spouse you care by going the extra mile to write them a note with words of affirmation.

Show your spouse that you appreciate them.

People who love words of affirmation will feel especially filled when you point out that you appreciate something they’re doing. Whether it’s taking out the trash, helping with laundry, or picking up the groceries – let them know by voicing it. The more specific you are, the better. This is certainly a way to help fill your spouse’s love tank.

Speak highly of your spouse to others.

If the situation naturally warrants, give your spouse a positive shoutout. Tell your friends, family, or whoever you are around how proud you are of your spouse. Without going overboard, there are ways you can compliment and show appreciation to your spouse to others. I’ve used social media several times to give my husband a shoutout about something amazing he has done for me and/or our kids.

Make words of affirmation a natural part of your lifestyle.

Again, even if this isn’t one of you or your spouse’s top love languages, it’s still a good one to practice. Who doesn’t love hearing positive words? Not to mention, words of affirmation are seen in scripture as “honey, sweet to the soul and healthy for the body” (Proverbs 16:24). If you have children, practicing words of affirmation will rub off on them and show them how powerful positive words are.

Final Thoughts

Loving your spouse through words of affirmation is just one way you can intentionally pour into their love tank and into your marriage altogether. The best part about loving your spouse with a genuine kind of love is it’s often reciprocated. Pray for your spouse, but also pray and ask God to give you the words to speak to them. Then, follow through!

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