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4 Reasons to Use WriteShop Junior in Your Homeschool

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Disclosure: I received this curriculum at no cost in exchange for an honest review.

Language arts is one of my favorite subjects to teach. As an avid reader, professional blogger, and published author, I am very passionate about teaching my children all things language arts. Teaching my children how to write is one of my favorite things to do in our homeschool, because I enjoy equipping them with the ability to communicate through writing. Writing also opens up a world of unlimited imagination and possibilities; seeing my children work through writing has been a great joy for me these last 11+ years of homeschooling.

I am always looking for new writing programs to suit each child in their varying interests and levels of ability. I’ve had my eye on WriteShop for quite some time now. I am excited today to share with you my review of the WriteShop Junior curriculum, set D.

reasons to use WriteShop Junior in your homeschool

WriteShop Junior Curriculum Review (Set D)

As year-round homeschoolers, we are constantly transitioning into new levels in each subject. I have been looking to get our nine-year-old into a new writing curriculum since he completed his last one nearly two months ago. I’m happy to report that our soon-to-be fourth-grade son is currently working through WriteShop Junior curriculum, set D. It feels so good to have settled on something for him, since we will be moving in the fall to a new duty station; it is much easier when everything is already in hand when we make these transitions.

I want to give you a little background about our son and the type of homeschool student he is, so that when I tell you why I am excited about this curriculum, it might make more sense.

Our middle child is very much a hands-on (kinesthetic) learner. He loves to touch and feel things with his hands. He is very motivated to learn, a strong verbal communicator, and strong reader. He is also very driven and competitive, so we always know that we need something that is challenging to him and shows immediate results. It was imperative to me that our son use a writing curriculum that would appeal to his natural senses as well as strengthen him in areas that do not come as naturally to him. This is why we chose WriteShop.

4 Reasons to Use WriteShop Junior

It appeals to a variety of learning styles. 

I am always on the lookout for curriculum that uses a multi-sensory approach for learning. WriteShop appeals to all of my son’s learning needs and also challenges him to grow in the areas where he isn’t as strong. For instance, the Junior set D uses hands-on activities like puzzles, games, and crafts to help drive home the concepts taught in each lesson. For our son, these activities will help him continue to be interested in the lessons long enough to retain the oral and writing portions. And for my busy nine-year-old son, this is a major victory!

It provides flexibility for both student and teacher.

Another benefit to this curriculum is that you can tailor it to meet your particular student’s needs. The teacher book lays out some different options for completing the work during the school year. However, you can come up with your own schedule and frequency to fit your family’s particular needs. We are year-round homeschoolers, so we can easily adapt the curriculum to fit that schedule.

Because the curriculum isn’t written in a way that you have to start with the first book, my son is able to jump into Junior set D and move full-speed ahead. There are a few concepts that he already knows and is very strong in, so we can modify or skip those altogether and it won’t interfere with the overall purpose of WriteShop–to teach our children to be confident, skilled, and independent writers.

Self-editing is built into the program.

This is something that I really, really appreciate about WriteShop Junior set D. In my nearly twelve years of homeschooling, I haven’t found a lot of curricula that offer self-editing. And I certainly haven’t found any that include self-editing that doesn’t intimidate or bore the student. WriteShop is entirely different in their approach to this concept–they make it fun and nearly undetectable by the student! This, my fellow homeschoolers, is a major WIN!

It fosters a closer parent/child relationship.

At this age, my son is mostly independent in his schooling. However, he and I both value spending time together in any capacity during our homeschool day. I am finding that WriteShop gives us the ability to work closely with one another as we move through each concept–and we love this! While I am building him up and encouraging him to conquer new things, our teamwork is leading us to shared victories. The look on his face when he overcomes something that initially intimidated him is absolutely priceless. Bottom line: I am finding that this program is making our mother/son bond even stronger than it already is–and that is a wonderful thing!

What’s Included in WriteShop Junior Set D

This amazing writing curriculum package includes:

  • Teacher’s Guide (278 pages)
  • Student Activity Pack (66 pages)
  • Fold-N-Go Grammar (72 pages)
  • Time-Saver Pack (24 pages)

red click here to learn more





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  1. I’m so glad you’re loving WriteShop Junior, Carlie! It sounds like such a good fit for your family. Thanks for taking time to write a review.

    1. Thank you so much for creating it! I have my eye on the story builders, too. I know both of my boys would LOVE those!

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