The Wonder Of Homeschooling

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This blog is a long time in the making. Nearly a decade of ideas that are finally coming together, making sense (well at least to me :), and worth every moment sacrificed to create them. Through a humble heart, I’d like to allow insight into our world of homeschooling.

I know that each family chooses education for their children based on different priorities in life. For us, our main reason for choosing the homeschool lifestyle is the simple fact that we believe God himself has called us to be the main influences in shaping our children’s lives. I have been blessed to be a stay-at-home homeschooling mother for over a decade now and it has been nothing short of wonderful. While not always pretty, organized, nor successful; homeschooling has become a “wonder” in our lives.

We wonder how we have been so blessed to have 3 amazing, healthy, kind, forgiving, beautiful children to call our own.

We wonder if what we are doing will turn out the way we pray it does – and by faith we believe it will.

We wonder who our precious children will become as we allow them to be themselves in the comfort of their own family.

We wonder how no matter where this family lives (due to where the Army calls) we are blessed to find like-minded Christian homeschooling families to share our love for education and life with.

We wonder what impact we can make on this world by creating the best environment for our children to be loved in…..growing gracefully through God’s divine provision upon our lives.

Thank you for sharing in our journey 🙂

Carlie K.

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