June FREE Monthly Meal Plan

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Sweet summer time!

I truly hope you guys are finding these monthly meal plans useful. I know I asked last month, but I’m going to do it again this month. I would love some feedback. Is there more of a particular type of meal you would like to see? I try to focus on quick, yummy, and healthy {although I don’t always accomplish the last one} because that is what I need in my own home. But I would love to hear more of what you like and/or don’t like, so that I know where to go in the future!

June is dairy month and fresh fruits and veggies month, so on Wednesdays, I have tried to focus on meals that use fresh veggies.

What are your favorite fresh fruits/veggie recipes? Please share them with us in the comments!

Without further ado, here is your June Meal Plan!

June Meal Plan

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