4 Ways to Pursue Peace in Your Relationships

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Blessed are the Peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God. (Matthew 5:9)

How serious do you take this verse?


Having young children, this is one of the first verses I had them memorize. Because you know with young children and siblings close in age, there is inevitably going to be squabbling.

We are all sinners.

Our kids have to be trained to do what is right. It is not natural to do the right thing. It is natural to be selfish.

But today let’s take that verse beyond training our children to be peacemakers with each other. What about your husband? Friends? Family?

How many of us want good peaceful relationships? I would say that we all do.

I’ve never met anyone who said: “I love drama and being mad at people”. That would be a funny statement huh?

How often do you justify your actions, negative comments, and attitude because you have been wronged? Or how often do you relish in being the peace maker? I’ve definitely had my fair share of  justifying myself.  I’ve had to work hard at intentionally separating the wheat from the chaff (Matthew 3:12) in my relationships.

I grew up in a family that did not apologize.  An apology? Huh? What’s that? I didn’t know until I got married.

My sweet husband did not get any kind of real apologies from me until a few years into our marriage. Don’t get me wrong. I did apologize- but always after he did first OR the apology was something like this—- I’m sorry- But…..(insert self  justification here).

I’m so thankful that he was patient with me and faithful. He really acted as the peacemaker in our marriage. He taught me how to be a peacemaker. By his humble example and faithfulness to the Lord he taught me how to pursue peace and value peace in my relationships. Especially with the one I love the most.

Being the peacemaker is not easy.

It typically involves getting over yourself and letting go. Even if you are the one who’s been wronged.

Being a peacemaker means valuing and choosing relationship.

Being a peacemaker means humbling yourself.

Being a peacemaker means valuing and pursing peace.

When you are in a tiff with a close friend, family member, or husband, really think about the long term relationship and atmosphere.

What kind of atmosphere do you want in your home?

What kind of relationship do you want?

God’s ways really are Truth.

The Lord blesses the peacemakers.

Now when I am frustrated with someone close to me, I stop and really evaluate what kind of life and relationship I want with them. I separate the wheat from the chaff in my mind. I try to  let the chaff go and value the relationship. Let. It. Go.

4 Things that help me to pursue peace in my relationships

1. Choose to not hash out in anger the minor details that don’t matter.

2. Apologize a sincere apology for the sake of peace. Value the relationship more than the justice.

Even go a step further- APOLOGIZE FIRST- Yes- I do realize that your feelings are probably hurt too. You might even have been wronged. But if the other person feels that way as well- Take down those walls and be the first to apologize. It’s amazing what a little love and compassion will do when trying to pursue peace in your relationship.

3. Don’t wait for the other person to be nice first. You choose to smile and serve the other person.

4. FORGIVE- This may be the biggest one. Really and Truly forgive the other person. Anger and bitterness rot your soul. Forgiveness, mercy, and love bring it life.

Love covers a multitude of sins. (1 Peter 4:8) This verse has been proven true to me time and time again.

Are there any relationships in your life that could use some peace pursuing?

How do you pursue peace?

Is it natural for you to apologize?

 Amanda @ Embracing Grace

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