Take a Time Out with the Lord

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take a time out with the Lord

Do you ever get so busy that you don’t know whether you’re coming or going? I sure do! And I can easily allow myself to get stressed out. My “To-Do” list always seems to be full and my mind is continually overflowing with ideas for that next home improvement task, art piece, book project, blog post, or something else that I deem very important.

Let’s not forget about the menus that must be planned, and the groceries that have to be bought because all we have in our fridge is leftover pizza, an empty jug of milk, and something growing green fuzz. Errands must be run!

And don’t even mention the piles of books, binders, and papers that are strewn on the coffee table and sofa beside me. These piles used to add to my stress, but some have been there so long, they’re like decorating “accessories.” (At least to me – my husband doesn’t quite see them this way.)

As moms, we get so busy caring for our families, educating our children, managing our homes, and building our businesses that we live our lives in a tizzy – always rushing, always forgetting something, usually falling behind in certain areas, and sometimes stressing or freaking out over the littlest things.

Is that just me? Maybe you’re not like that. Perhaps you’ve got it all together and are excelling in every area of your life. You are the real life Wonder Woman, masquerading around with your secret identity as Diana Prince. You are the perfect wife and mom. You are perfectly organized, perfectly polished, perfectly everything.

But if you’re just a regular mom like me and need a reminder to take a “time out” every now and then, then this verse is for you:

Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me – watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” ~ Matthew 11:28-30 (MSG)

I like these phrases: “a real rest,” “recover your life,” “unforced rhythms of grace,” and “live freely and lightly.”

Every time I read this verse it is a gentle reminder from my precious Savior to stop and get away with Him. We all need this reminder from time to time.

We must make time for Him each and every day and learn His unforced rhythms of grace. We desperately need to allow His sweet presence to minister to our weary hearts and minds.

Make the time to just “be” with Him. Allow His grace and peace to flow throughout your entire being. Let His goodness and mercy flood your heart, pour over your mind, and bring a real rest to your life. Time with Him will help you de-stress and unwind. It will realign your perspective and priorities.

There is a gentle, flowing movement of grace continually made available to us if only we will receive it.

It doesn’t take hours and hours to receive His grace. It can be just a few quiet moments in which you focus your heart and attention on Him, allowing His unfailing love to enfold you, and receiving His strength to help you with all the tasks you have to accomplish.

I encourage you to take a “time out” today (and every day) to get away with Him. Receive His peace. Receive His rest. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.

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