Online Marriage Book Club
Online Marriage Book Club
Friends, we are so excited to announce a new wave of happenings over here at Fulfilling Your Vows. We have been talking for a long time about incorporating online book clubs into this marriage ministry but didn’t have the time due to more than 7 years worth of geographical separations due to military combat tours and training! But by the grace of God, we are together and able to do this! Hallelujah!
Why an online book club for married folks? Here are some of the reasons:
- Sometimes life doesn’t allow for you to meet with other married couples “in person”. From the birth of a new baby to having to work crazy hours each week, having an online study helps get you plugged-in without having to be one more “physical” place during the week.
- It provides a safe-place for the hurting. In our years of doing online ministry, we’ve also found that some people who are not willing to set foot inside of the church are willing to let their guard down when doing online studies. We’ve watched the Lord draw in countless people who were hurting, restore them and send them out for service in His Kingdom to help others!
- It is a way to connect with fellow Believers that are outside of your usual circle. Sometimes we can get into a rut of familiarity when we are always meeting with the same people each week. Nothing is wrong with fellowshipping locally with our fellow brothers and sisters, but truthfully when we go outside of our day-to-day circles we can develop some amazing connections we would have missed out on otherwise.
We have chosen to use Team Us: Marriage Together for our very first online marriage book club. We are thrilled that both the author, Ashleigh Slater, and her husband Ted will be joining us a few times throughout the study to share their hearts about biblical marriage!
Here is how the online study will work:
Beginning Friday, January 8, 2016, we will publish a weekly blog post with that week’s book study information as well as some encouraging words to go along with it. In order to be kept up to date and in the loop of fellowship, we suggest that you join our email list and like our Facebook page. Below we will explain exactly how we will be utilizing both platforms for the upcoming couples study.
Here is what you need to do in order to join us:
- Purchase your copy of Team Us: Marriage Together
(paperback) and Team Us: Marriage Together
(Kindle version).
- Sign up for our email list to have the study (and links to study guide) delivered straight to your inbox.
- Join the discussion each week on our Facebook page and/or here on the blog (you can do so via commenting).
- Share about the study with your family and church friends who may want to join in.
- Get ready for God to come in and rock your marriage, helping you take it to the next level!
See you on January 8th!